Telephone: 01623 746648
Caring For Children

Committed to providing high quality childcare
We cater for babies from 12 weeks, toddlers and also run an after school club for children up to 11 years of age. We provide a warm stimulating environment for the children in our care, encouraging them to feel safe, secure, and confident, so they can develop to their full potential with careful supervision and help where necessary.
We offer a wide range of activities both indoors and out to promote all aspects of child development, whilst ensuring every child’s time at nursery is fun and enjoyable. Our staff are all very passionate about what they do, they have real enthusiasm and a never ending commitment to the children who attend Earlybirds.
Our Mission Statement
Here at Earlybirds we aim to provide a warm, friendly and safe environment for our children.
The nursery staff are all fully qualified and our trainees are working towards gaining their qualifications. Our team is dedicated and committed to providing high quality care to each individual child.
Throughout each area in our nursery we aim to make every effort to develop your child socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically to promote their independence and give them confidence to face their future.
Our Altogether Policy
Earlybirds has an altogether policy, which is of non-discrimination against ethnicity, religion, ability or gender towards anyone within the setting staff, visitors and children.
We also have in the nursery an appointed SENCO for children who may have additional needs.

Caring for your child
Assigned Key Worker
In every area there will be an assigned key worker, who will work alongside your child.
Development Records
Each child will have their own assessment development records which will be completed regularly by your child’s key worker and made available for you to look at.
Relationships With Parents
An important part of our role is our relationships with parents/carers, who we encourage to be involved in the nursery as much as possible.
Contact Us Anytime
We appreciate that leaving your child in someone else’s care can be a very worrying experience, please feel free to telephone or call in at any time to see your child.

To help us with the care of your child/children could you please provide:
Nappies and wipes for children who are not toilet trained
Powdered milk for babies who are still bottle fed
Comforter/dummy if required
Change of clothes (labelled)
Sun hat and sun cream (labelled)
Outdoor coat (labelled)